Olawuyi also called for a careful evaluation of the merits of the pact for planet benefits. He noted that the pact provides a timely framework for building an inclusive global rule of law for the environment. The Pact was launched in 2017 as a global initiative to conclude a legally binding international instrument under the United Nations that synthesizes and addresses pressing environmental challenges facing the world. Professor Olawuyi said: “The Global Pact for the Environment is a bold and imaginative document that seeks to address North-South contentions, by reinforcing the need for technology transfer, common but differentiated responsibilities and environmental education amongst others. Coming at a time of real need, the Pact provides a timely framework for building an inclusive global rule of law for the environment.” He further stated that as developing countries try to accelerate domestic growth in order to catch up with the rest of the world, and solve some of the basic and often neglected economic and social problems facing their local population, international environmental law should aid, and not hinder, those domestic efforts. His words: “A needed step forward therefore, for building an effective global partnership on the environment, is for the Pact to textually encourage countries in the North, development agencies and private actors alike, to foster additional and sustained financial flow to existing international environmental funds.]]>

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