On the 27th day of March 2017, the Federal High Court, per Honourable Justice Tsoho, under its exclusive jurisdiction, pursuant to S. 251 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria as amended, pronounced a judgment which until now has stunned the whole legal community; the famous judgment nullifying the 2015 NBA constitution as amended. The Judgment has led to uncertainty with respect to the fate of the National Executive body of the NBA and other activities done under the voided amendments. While an appeal of the judgment is certain, Olasupo Ojo Esq, complainant in the case, had advised that, the General Council of the Bar under its general management function of the affairs of the NBA as stated in Section 1 of the Legal Practitioner’s Act, and also affirmed in the Constitution of the NBA 2001, set up a caretaker committee to manage the affairs of the Registered trustees of the NBA pending further determinations. While this remains an unresolved event, the Lagos State Branch of the NBA has not been exempted from her own share of the controversies affecting the Parent body; most precisely, are the polemics concerning the oncoming election of the Lagos Branch of the Association. Sequel to this, the Lagos Branch of the NBA had set up a committee on the 10th of April, 2017 to advice the branch on the elections scheduled for June/July 2017 as to whether the Branch elections should hold under the 2015 voided constitution or the elections should hold under the Lagos State Branch Bye Laws or whether a committee should be set up to take over the branch at the expiration of the tenure of the current Exco, pending a resolution of the appeal of the case. In other to ascertain the views of members and interested persons at large, Thenigerialawyer on the 28th, April 2017, conducted an independent opinion poll on the options given the committee, and to confirm the best appreciated opinion of all. The poll log was posted on the Thenigerialawyer where Legal practitioners made their choices. [show-rjqc id=”4″] The statistics from the poll reveals that a total number of 122 persons had voted of which 52 voted for the election to be conducted under the guidelines of the 2015 voided constitution which is 42.62% on the log, 50 voted for the election to be conducted under the Lagos State Branch Law which is 40.98% on the log and 20 persons voted for the setting up of a caretaker Committee to run the affairs of the Branch which is 16.39%. [show-rjqc id=”5″] The outcome so far shows that majority of persons who have voted still believe in the 2015 voted Constitution with a high level of optimism that the Court’s decision would tow the Association’s part. Thus, if this poll is anything to go by, the oncoming election of the Lagos State Branch of the NBA would be conducting her election under the guidelines of the 2015 voided Constitutions despite the present controversies clouding the activities of the registered trustees. [yop_poll id=”4″] Unini Chioma and Ebi Robert]]>