Most people will agree that Intellectual Property (IP) assets are the fuel of the modern economy. But while we are adept at valuing tangible property such as real estate in Nigeria, I am not sure how much effort we are making in the area of valuing IP assets.

The thing about IP is that some IP assets have no value. Consider the fact that, according to World Intellectual Property Organisation data, between 40 per cent and 90 per cent of all patents issued are never used. IP asset valuation is critical if we are to make informed decisions concerning IP in Nigeria. It is also important for owners of IP assets who wish to leverage on them as collateral for new ventures.

IP assets as collateral is a complex issue, but it is not novel. Even though it may not have been recognised by the same term in the 19th century, it is reported that Thomas Edison used his patent on the incandescent electric light bulb as collateral to secure finance to start his company, General Electric Company. Today IP asset valuation is a whole discipline on its own for lawyers, accountants and other business decision makers.

Considering the recent acquisitions in science and technology, one can argue that patents, trademarks and other such IP assets hold more promise for future earnings than copyright held in creative/entertainment products, which seems to be our focus when we discuss IP assets in Nigeria. I am not saying that this is the case, but let us argue that it is, it still does not seem that our banks are interested in anything but tangible assets to back loans. Typically, banks need to see two things in considering a loan request – a track record and collateral (security for the loan). Banks are not charitable organisations, they hold money on trust for depositors and their shareholders, so we understand that they cannot be involved in what they believe is risky business. They must be assured of a return on investment. But is there hope that a day will come in Nigeria or the sub-region, when banks will accept only IP assets as collateral? There are various models for doing so. One involves the use of an underwriting company (or other third party) with experience and expertise in valuing and liquidating IP assets.

Unlike venture capitalists, the banks are not in the business of betting on your brilliant idea, and do not care to share the risk. They may cash in on an entertainment celebrity brand, riding on that brand for their own exposure, but as far as I know, and I may be wrong, we have not got as far as being able to use IP assets as collateral. Anyway, in jurisdictions where this is a possibility, these underwriters/third parties value IP assets and their expertise in utilising and liquidating IP assets is assurance that the banks will get their money back in the case of a default on the loan.

In 2009, celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz made headlines, not for her photography, but for being sued by Art Capital Group for breach of contract. Art Capital Group had loaned her money, which totalled US$ 24 million, backed by her real estate properties and the IP rights in her photographs. The initial agreement had given Art Capital the exclusive right to sell off pieces from Leibovitz’s archive (I have a sneaky suspicion that this is a standard provision in Art Capital’s contracts. But one would think that a big star like Annie Leibovitz would have had her lawyers look over the contract with a fine-tooth comb). Luckily for Leibovitz, Getty Images was just as uncooperative as she was and Art Capital was unable to get access to her archive to put them up for sale. LUCKY! Both parties reached an out-of-court settlement where Leibovitz retained the rights to sell her photographs and the call date for the loan was extended. The sale value of her archive at the time of the dispute was US$ 50 million.

This case made headlines because of the personality involved and because of the use of IP assets as collateral. Art Capital Group describe their business as “Private banking for the art world”, and financially bail out artists in a way that conventional banks will not, but they also are not a charity. According to their website, they are the “only independent source of art lending, and our clients are assured of discretion (until you default like Annie Leibovitz), flexibility, and responsiveness to their financing needs. Combining expertise in finance and fine art, we provide customised solutions to the fine and decorative art world.”

In August 2011, Google bid US$ 12.5 billion for American mobile phone maker, Motorola Mobility. Motorola had seen better days, but the attraction for Google was the company’s portfolio of 17,000 patents and 7,500 more in the pipeline. Motorola held less than 15% share of America’s smartphone market, but I remember when they were the top dogs in America. In 1997, I purchased my first high-end mobile phone, the Motorola StarTac. I was a year late, but I had to save up to acquire my little luxury item.

The StarTac was listed as one of Time magazine’s All-TIME 100 Gadgets in 2010. It was the smallest and lightest cell phone when it was released in 1996. It is this legacy of firsts, protected by patents, that Google wanted to tap into. Their bid valued Motorola’s shares at a 65% premium over their closing price just before the bid. In 2014, Lenovo acquired Motorola Mobility from Google in a US$ 2.9 billion deal that gave Lenovo the mobile device business, leaving the patent portfolio with Google.

The point is IP is gaining in appreciation and value, and companies are stating their value not only in tangible assets, but in IP assets as well. It is the reason Google saw the ailing Motorola Mobility as a strategic takeover; it is the reason Christian Louboutin’s lawyers threatened to go all the way to the Supreme Court of America if they needed to, to stop Yves Saint Laurent from making red-soled shoes; it is the reason Art Capital Group exists in New York. We are not there yet, but with advocacy and education, the day will come, I hope, but it will not be before we get the expertise to value our IPR, and address the structural deficiencies that stunt innovative and creative growth.

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