A group of lawyers who identified themselves as concerned lawyers of Cross River State have embarked on a protest in the state

In a statement made available to TheNigeriaLawyer (TNL) signed by Effiom Ayi, MCIArb (UK); Eno Edet, ChMC and Enome J Amatey, PNM,ChMC., they enumerated many challenges facing Judiciary in the state including non appointment of Chief Judge of the State

“We have embarked on this peaceful protest with heavy hearts, wounded spirits, vexed minds and deep concerns about not only the condition of affairs in our dear State but the repeated assault on the JUDICIAL ARM of Government in Cross River State by the EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE ARMS of Government, acting in concert,” they said

They said the move by the governor of the state, Professor Ben Ayade, to swear in a new Acting Chief Judge after getting wind of their planned protest is belated adding that what they want is a Chief Judge in substantive capacity.

They lamented that “as at Friday the 16th day of October, 2020 over a Hundred (100) cases including Fundamental Right Applications filed by citizens cannot be assigned or heard. Letters of Administration and Probate cannot be granted, recommendations for appointment of Judges, Senior Advocates of Nigeria and Notaries Public cannot be issued, and the assizes which would have marked the official opening of the 2020/2021 legal year was aborted. The negative effect and impact of all these on the security of the state, the economy, practice of legal practitioners and the growth of the legal profession is evidently loud.”

According to the protesting lawyers, the “avoidable bickering and dirty politics” as to who should occupy the office of the Chief Judge has not happened in the state before and the uncertainty created by the unavailability of a substantive Chief Judge in the State is unhealthy and contrary to the intendment of the letters of the Constitution. They called on the Executive and Legislature in the interest of the state to do the right thing and fill the vacancy in a substantive capacity as doing so will be absolutely digital and fair.

Decrying the welfare of judges in the state, they said the Judiciary is neglected and underfunded. Judges and Magistrates go to work daily on motorbikes and tricycles (Keke Napep). On the contrary, members of the Executive and legislature are living in luxury.

The said, “No cars, No accommodation, they are regular defendants in rent recovery proceedings, they sit to dispense justice in dilapidated courts rooms, our judges and magistrates write longhand without stenographers, they carry out their research alone after a long cause list without research assistance, their children and wards are driven away from school as they cannot pay fees as and when due. They are many more we are constrained for want of space not to mention.

“This is totally an unacceptable way to treat men and women who have given their time, energy and indeed LIFE for a better Cross River State.

“On the other hand, members of the Executive and Legislature, as well as their family members, drive around town in convoys of latest vehicles including Range Rovers, Ferari, Land Cruisers, Ford utility vehicles etc. Recently, Local government Chairmen, their Vice and Heads of the legislature at the Local Government level were given vehicles less than 100 days after they were sworn into office. Our Judges and especially magistrates appointed more than 6 years ago use commercial transport to work and those appointed more than two years ago have not been paid salaries till date. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNDIGITAL, THIS IS UNFAIR.”

Furthermore, they said 40 lawyers and Magistrates were employed in 2016 but began receiving salaries in 2017. As for Magistrates who were appointed in March 2018, they have not been paid up till date.
They also accused the governor of abandoning courts to a dilapidated state. They said “courts and courtrooms are not only a theater of the absurd and an unpleasant sight to behold but the same is in a pitiable state of disrepair.” they said.

They expressed concern that these things are happening under the governor who is himself a lawyer which fact should have been a plus and advantage to not only the Judiciary but to the legal profession being his primary constituency.

They therefore demanded the Executive and the Legislative Arms of Government in Cross River State to appoint a subtative Chief Judge in the state in line with the recommendation of the National Judicial Council (NJC).

They also demanded that Judges and Magistrates be provided vehicles as was done to members of the state executive and legislature.

Other demands they made were building and renovation of courts across the state and payment of Magistrates and 40 (forty) lawyers the salaries owed them for about 13 to 20 months

The statement was addressed to the President Buhari; the Hon, Chief Justice of Nigeria and Chairman of the National Judicial Council (NJC); Governor of the state; Speaker of the House of Assembly of the state;Judges of the State High Courts;

President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA); Chairmen of the Calabar, Ikom and Ogoja Branches of the NBA; lawyers; all Good Citizens of Cross River State and
Members of the Press

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