Nyada Auta, a candidate for the position of National Welfare Secretary in the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), has voiced concerns over the shifting landscape of digital expression in Nigeria.

In a recent statement, Auta highlighted the need for a delicate balance between safeguarding national interests and upholding fundamental freedoms of expression and association in the digital realm.

Auta’s comments come amidst a series of legislative proposals and regulatory measures aimed at regulating social media and online content in Nigeria. The candidate specifically addressed the controversial “Protection from Internet Falsehoods and Manipulations Bill,” also known as the “Social Media Bill,” which has faced intense opposition from civil society groups due to its potential to stifle free speech.

Emphasizing the importance of striking a just balance, Auta stated, “The federal government must ensure that statements it censors or penalizes meet the thresholds which qualify such statements as hate speech in international law.” The candidate outlined several key thresholds, including intent, content and form, extent of dissemination, context, and the impact and likelihood of harm.

Auta cautioned that instances where statements not meeting these thresholds are censored or penalized would amount to a violation of the right to freedom of expression. Such actions, the candidate argued, would obligate the government to provide remedy for these violations.

The NBA National Welfare Secretary hopeful’s statement comes at a critical juncture in Nigeria’s digital rights landscape, as the country grapples with the challenges of regulating online spaces while preserving democratic principles. Auta’s call for a nuanced approach to digital governance reflects the growing concerns among legal professionals and civil society actors regarding the potential overreach of government powers in the digital domain.

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