In a tense episode of the ITV programme, Jeremy is seen saying to the two men: ‘The DNA test results show that Oscar is not your biological father.’ [caption id="attachment_45113" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Valentine and his ‘dad’ Oscar at his graduation from university in Britain. Valentine and his ‘dad’ Oscar at his graduation from university in Britain.[/caption] Oscar is seen wailing in despair as he says to Jeremy: ‘He’s not my son?’. Jeremy responds by saying: ‘There’s a no per cent chance he’s your son’, while Valentine remains speechless. Oscar paid for Valentine to come over to England from Nigeria, and ‘put him through school’ here in Britain. Later on in the show, Jeremy was seen comforting Oscar by saying: ‘Being a dad isn’t about being blood-related. It takes a man to look after a kid.’ dna When the result of the DNA test was read to him, Oscar wailed in agony as the results said there was “no per cent chance” he and Valentine were father and son. [caption id="attachment_45114" align="aligncenter" width="500"]A terribly disappointed Oscar lets out horrendous wail! A terribly disappointed Oscar lets out horrendous wail![/caption] Viewers described the episode as the ‘saddest ending ever’ for the show. One person, named Amy, tweeted: ‘My heart is breaking for this man. Someone please hug him. Bless his heart.’ Another Twitter user said: ‘Saddest ending of Jeremy Kyle ever.’]]>