The federal government has warned Nigerians not to let their guards down against the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

The National Coordinator of the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19, Dr Sani Aliyu, who gave the warning on Monday during the daily press briefing by the task force in Abuja, said all previous measures issued for public safety still remained in force.

According to Aliyu, easing the lockdown was not a license to go back on earlier issued protective measures, adding that all the measures should continue to be used as a bundle of protection so that the war against COVID-19 would not be lost midway.

To be clear, he said the government still maintained that all religious, academic, leisure, and travel activities be suspended indefinitely, adding that the dangers of COVID-19 had become more real now as the process of unlocking socioeconomic activities had begun.

“The easing of the lockdown is certainly in no way a license to relax our self-protecting measures against this infection. It is also not a plan to return to business as usual.

“I’ll like to reiterate the guidelines that we have produced as a result of the easing process, to remind the public that no interstate travel is allowed except for the transportation of essential commodities and services. No passenger flights. Churches, mosques and schools will remain closed. Clubs, bars, parks, sporting and gaming centers will also remain closed.

“It is absolutely necessary that we continue to maintain those measures that will protect us. Those measures should be implemented as a bundle because with COVID-19 infection, you can have transmission from more than just droplets.

“For instance, if you are wearing a mask and somebody is not wearing a mask and he’s standing very close to you, the droplets he will produce can land in your eyes and you can get infected.

“If you are wearing a mask and you do not wash your hands, those surfaces that are contaminated with the virus, you could end up touching your face and you can get the infection. What I’m trying to say, basically, is those measures that we recommend need to be done as a bundle for you to have the protection that you need to protect yourself from having this infection.

“So I’m appealing once again that we must wear our masks to protect ourselves and the others at all times. We must keep washing our hands, we must maintain the same physical distance of two meters to comply with the eased lockdown.

“The danger of acquiring COVID-19 is even more clear and present now that we are all slowly going back to work”, he said.

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