Speaking at the ongoing National Anti-Corruption Conference, Akintoye noted that the utterances of Dr Aminu Jubrin about perceived corruption in the House did not exonerate Jubrin as a whistle blower. Contributing, Malam Mukhtar Sirajo, Vice-President, Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), urged the House to address the issues rather than concentrating on the person of the whistle blower. In his remark, Malam Suleiman Usman, Director of Planning, National Hajj Commission, said sanitising the Nigeria Police should be the first point at fighting corruption. He added that any other exercise would amount to futility if the police was not sanitised. “The starting point in fighting corruption is to first sanitise the police,” he said. However, Mr Hycith Dagala, a Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), explained that an ill-equipped police could not perform their statutory duties optimally. “While our colleagues elsewhere have gone digital in their modus operandi and tackling crime, the Nigeria Police is still analogic in their operations,” the DIG said. Earlier, Dr Ahmed Othman, a lead paper presenter at the conference, attributed corruption permeating all strata of the Nigerian society to greed. “We must all agree that there is enough for our needs but not for greed,” he said. The four-day conference ends on Friday.]]>