The first worry of every person arrested and detained on allegation of commission of crime is how to secure bail and regain freedom and personal liberty as quickly as possible. On this issue, the rich is as worried as the poor. The right to bail is an offshoot of at least three fundamental rights namely, the right to personal liberty, right to freedom of movement and right to presumption of innocence. The grant of bail therefore is an exercise in preservation of named fundamental rights. In this book the author makes a comprehensive analysis of the principles of law on bail and presents to the reader a one-stop manual on the recurring issue of bail. The book is practice-oriented and the author has gone the extra mile to obtain and include in its contents sample bail applications made by eminent lawyers in high profile cases recently prosecuted in various courts across Nigeria. These include the certified copies of applications made to the court for the grant of bail to Colonel Sambo Dasuki, Atahiru Bafarawa, Sagir Atahiru, Alex Badeh, Olisa Metu, F.J. Ademola and many others. The book also contains sample oppositions to bail. The book is tailor-made to suit the interest of lawyers for both the defence and prosecution. The courts will also find its contents greatly beneficial particularly the recurring themes carefully discussed side by side with decided authorities. Ekemini Udim, is also the author of Practice Guide on No Case Submission, Principles of Garnishee Proceedings in Nigeria, Trial Within Trial in Criminal Proceedings and, Practical Approach to Effective Cross-Examination.

He is reachable :+2348131937282

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