Politicians See Party Certificates As Trophies Constitutional lawyer, and member of the defunct Justice Uwais Electoral Panel, Festus Okoye, told SAXONE AKHAINE, that the country does not need more than five political parties. He therefore wants the constitution tightened in order to stem the tide of agitations for the registration of new political parties. Some Nigerians are clamouring for registration of more political parties. Is this proliferation in the nation’s interest? As at today, Nigeria has a total of 45 political parties, and 104 political associations have applied to be registered as political parties. Fundamentally, most of the political parties have the same ideological platform and content with different degrees of emphasis on issues. It is my considered view that Nigeria does not need more than five political parties. Presently, only about five political parties have any form of representation in the states’ and National Assembly and the same thing applies to the local councils across the federation, and at area councils in the Federal Capital Territory. Political parties must have ideological content, as well as, deferential brand content. Nigerians are not agitating for additional political parties, but are rather agitating that the proliferation of political parties should be halted. It does appear conditions needed by political associations to be registered, as political parties are not stringent hence the long list? Let me say again, Nigeria does not need 45 political parties and 104 political associations that have applied for registration. The framers of the Nigerian constitution made provisions for national political parties with governing council representation in at least two thirds of all states of the federation. Unfortunately, the condition for the registration of political parties is too lax and these accounts for the obscene proliferation of associations that want to transmute to political parties. The only hard condition for registration of political parties is that the association must have an office in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The other conditions for registration involve paper work and this can be done and fulfilled by a few individuals. Are there no advantages of proliferation of political parties, especially in the light of the freedom of association granted all by the constitution? Too many parties on the ballot disembowel the opposition from organising and bidding for political power. The proliferation of parties works to the advantage of the incumbent government. In fact, proliferation of parties sometimes becomes very confusing and the ordinary people find it difficult to distinguish and differentiate the logo of political parties. Proliferation of political parties creates the challenge of ballot design for the electoral management body, and does not add value to the electoral system in the country. I believe that so many existing political parties can find ideological accommodation in the existing political parties, making it possible for Nigeria not to have more than five political parties. Unfortunately, some politicians hold party certificates as a trophy and do multiple registrations of parties for the rainy day. How can the political environment be sanitised, so that real parties can play real politics? I believe that the National Assembly should alter the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, (as amended) to tighten the condition for the registration of political parties. I believe that a party that wants to bid for power must have verifiable and functional offices in at least half of the states of the federation. The framers of the constitution did not envisage and, or make provision for regional parties or local parties. There is also no room in the constitution for portfolio parties. It is imperative for them to subject themselves to party discipline. The parties must also be run professionally and ethically. This demands that governors and elected public officials must allow the party bureaucracy to work and guide the actions of those in government. The parties must seek to generate funds of their own and keep a comprehensive and scientific database of their members. The Guardian ]]>

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