The report containing the names of the nominees was presented to the governor on Friday in Benin City. The Chairman of the Committee, Professor Dennis Agbonlahor, described the process as innovative and democratically-driven. He said that the committee had three weeks ago submitted report on the recommendations for the appointment of commissioners to the governor. Agbonlahor said, “we received 11 applications for the position of Special Advisers; we recommended six nominees, two each from the three senatorial districts in the state. “Out of the six persons, two are females, representing 33 per cent of the nominees. “We used the same criteria to screen the SSAs. We received 150 applications and after interview, with the leaders of the various local government areas and the applicants, when necessary, we nominated 54 persons. “Three persons from each of the 18 LGAs in the state, including seven females, were selected, which is about 13 per cent of the nominees,” he said. Receiving the report, the governor commended the committee for aligning with the principle and criteria set up for the screening. He said that the process was necessary to allow people at the grassroots participate in the selection of political leaders. According to Obaseki, we must involve people at the grassroots to participate in the process of nominating people they believe will represent their interest to work in government. He explained that the committee was set up to listen and review the complaints of those who felt they were left out of the political process. He assured that before the end of May all the political nominees would be appointed into offices. (NAN)]]>