NBA Abuja Branch Reconciliation Committee Tues, 13 September 16 To 1. VICTOR ABASIAKAN-EKIM 2. EZENWA ANUMNU 3. BABATUNDE OYEFESO 4. CHINEDU OBIENU 5. LAWRENCE EREWELE 6. AMAUCHE ‎ ONYEDUM 7. BARNABAS KUMWAR 8. EBEUKA ‎ NWAEZE 9. PRINCE ADETOSOYE 10. JULIUS ATANWHEMERA 11. MUSA ISIAKA 12. GODWIN DIUGWU 13. EZIAGU JUDE As you must be well aware the president of the Nigerian Bar Association, ABUBAKAR BALARABE MAHMOUD, SAN, OON has set up the Abuja branch reconciliation committee with the following mandate: 1. ‎Intervene urgently to ensure that matters do not degenerate further 2. Examine the immediate and remote causes of the crisis 3. Reconcile parties involved in the dispute 4. Where an amicable resolution is not feasible to make any appropriate recommendation to me on the best way to achieve a lasting solution to the dispute. 5. The committee is to take all necessary steps to deem appropriate in the interim to preserve the affairs of the branch and to keep the branch secretariat functioning. The members of the committee are: 1. KANU G. AGABI‎, SAN CON 2. OFFIONG EFFIONG BASSEY EFFIONG, SAN 3. OLABISI OLUYEMI SOYEBO, SAN In the light of the above mandate we humbly and respectfully call for memoranda from you in which you endeavor to address the following issues: 1. Immediate and remote causes of the crisis. 2. The authority of the branch to disqualify a candidate seeking election to an office in the branch and the circumstances under which the authority may be exercised having regard particularly to the instant case. 3. The authority of the Nigerian bar association to set aside an election conducted by the branch of the association and if such authority is found to exist whether it has been properly exercised in the instant case. 4. If the NBA has authority to set aside an election conducted by branch and whether it can do so without hearing all the parties and in the instant case whether all the parties were so heard. 5. Whether there are any pending actions in court and if so the extent to which the reconciliation committee can go. 6. The extent to which the reconciliation committee may implement item 5 of its terms of reference having regard to extant decision of NBA NEC. ANY PERSONS WISHING TO SUBMIT MEMOS TO THE COMMITTEE SHOULD KINDLY DO WITH 48 HOURS. THANKS AND BEST WISHES. KANU G. AGABI,SAN, CON (CHAIRMAN) OFFIONG EFFIONG BASSEY EFFIONG, SAN OLABISI OLUYEMI SOYEBO, SAN ‎(MEMBER) ]]>