*Sets Date For Further Hearing

A Federal High Court sitting on the case between Joyce Oduah v. The Incorporated Trustees of the NBA & Ors, has ruled in favor of the defendants holding that despite previous ruling that the interlocutory injunction of the plaintiff be adjourned, the defendants stay of execution was paramount and took predominance over the interlocutory injunction.

The court had previously adjourned the matter to today, August 31, 2022, for a hearing on the Motion for Interlocutory Injunction filed by Mrs. Odua.

But at the resumed hearing today, after lengthy arguments back and forth by all the counsels on how to proceed in the light of the notices of appeal and the Motions for Stay of execution, stay of proceedings filed by the defendants, the presiding Judge ruled that, although he had previously adjourned the Plaintiff’s Motion for Interlocutory Injunction, he had no choice but to agree with the submissions the dependants’ counsel that our Motions for Stay of Execution and Stay of Further Proceedings cum Injunction Pending Appeal, which are in furtherance of the exercise of our Constitutional Right of Appeal, takes precedence over and above the Plaintiff’s Motion for Interlocutory Injunction.

Accordingly, the Judge adjourned the case and set down the Motions to Stay for a hearing on the 15th day of September 2022.

During the proceedings, the Plaintiff, Joyce Oduah was personally present in court.

Recall that the Federal High Court, sitting at Abuja, had previously set aside the ratification of the suspension of the embattled General Secretary of the NBA, Stella Odua.

TheNigeriaLawyer recalls also that Odua had approached the court seeking an order to set aside her suspension by the Akpata-led NBA leadership, following a public controversy that trailed her office.

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