*Says Suleja Branch Is Ready To Support The Leadership For A Successful Bar

Suleja Branch (Zuma Bar) of the Nigerian Bar Association, has congratulated  Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau on his inauguration as the new president of the Association.

This was made known in a statement by the Chairman of Suleja Branch Ibrahim Bako, (Notary Public), on behalf of the members.

Bako who quoted that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, noted that indeed, the journey to a greater Bar under the leadership of a consummate Bar Man, Fine Gentleman and a rare personality has just commenced.

He expressed the Branch’s readiness to support the administration for the Success of the Association.

“On behalf of Suleja Branch (Zuma Bar) the mother of the center of unity: FCT-Abuja, I heartily congratulate you Sir on assumption of office as the 31st President of NBA and wish to join numerous well wishers and members in invoking God’s guidance and protection over your tenure.

“I have absolute confidence in your ability to give leadership because of your maturity, deep knowledge of law,  high sense of commitment and love for humanity.

Suleja Branch wishes to express our readiness and availability to support and render every possible assistance to our Leader for the success of the Bar.

“We shall live to celebrate your achievements at the end of your tenure.

Congratulations Y.C Maikyau, NBA President.”

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