*Your One-Stop Guide For Banking, Commercial & Financial Matters
It is our utmost pleasure to inform you that Book on Banking: Theory, Regulation, Law, and Practice is now sale. The Book is a collection of Essays well written by proficient and outstanding members of the Bar and its niche is banking. The book contains 22 chapters of 823 pages all of which were diligently edited by Dr. Oladapo Olanipekun SAN and published by AU COURANT.
The book is written in the simplest form of English hence it is very easy to digest as legalese and archaic words are largely avoided. The referencing method adopted by the writer is the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) (4th Edition, 2012), and gender-neutral words used as much as possible. The book is neatly produced to the taste of users with quality materials to read and reference.
Also on sale is the Banking and Financial Law Reports (BFLR). The Banking and Financial Law Reports is a functional depository series on Banking and Financial Matters. It is an archive of carefully selected Judgements of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and Investments and Securities Tribunal (IST).
The subject matters generally addressed in the Banking and Financial Law Reports are: Assignment, Auction, Banking, Bankers, Book, Bills of Exchange, Cheques, Currency, Debt Recovery, Documentary Credit, Financial Crime, Financial Law, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Exchange, Garnishee Proceedings, Guaranteeship and Surety Ship, Hire Purchase, Insurance, Insurance Law, Interest and Interest Rate, International Commercial Transaction, Jurisdiction (where it relates to Banking), Letters of Credit, Lis Pendis, Money Lender’s Law and Money Lending, Mortgage, Negotiable Instruments, Performance Bond and winding up of a Bank. It may interest you to know that this book on Banking and Financial Law Reports is also edited chiefly by Dr. Oladipo Olanipekun SAN and equally published by AU COURANT.
It is a must-get! It is a must read! Grab your copy now and smile with Law!
Call 234 (1) 342 8150, 234 0706 232 0392, WhatsApp; 0818 888 9124 or visit: aucourantlegal.org, to grab your copy today!