When asked at what point he felt Trump’s victory was inevitable, he said, “As Election Day approached, the spectre became near palpable. I refused to switch on the television this morning until I had stiffened myself with a strong espresso. I felt disaster in my marrow.’’ On the victory of Trump, who threatened to build a Wall is a coincidence coming exactly 27 years to the day the Berlin Wall came down, the Nobel Laureate said, ‘’Trump’s Wall is already under construction. Walls are built in the mind, and Trump has erected walls, not only across the mental landscape of America, but across the global landscape. I am glad you referred to the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – that was one anniversary in reversal!’’ It would be recalled that in the build-up of the US election, the Nobel Laureate threatened to trash his US green card, if the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, wins. Prof Wole Soyinka, who is a scholar-in-residence at New York University’s Institute of African American Affairs, at the penultimate week, said: “If in the unlikely event he (Trump) does win, the first thing he’ll do is to say all green-card holders must reapply to come back into the US. Well, I’m not waiting for that. “The moment they announce his (Trump) victory, I will cut my green card myself and start packing up,” he said. The emergence of Trump as the President – elect of the US also triggered some reactions from Nigerians on social media, as he was dared to make good his promise to rip to shreds his Green Card.]]>