Just before proceedings began, Avekpon, who was on the floor sweating and holding his stomach in discomfort, told the Investigating Police Officer (IPO) who brought all the defendants to court that he needed to use the toilet, but his request was denied. The IPO said the case was about to be called, adding that if he took Avekpon to the restroom, there would be no one to secure other defendants. He urged Avekpon to hold it in until after his arraignment. But as soon as Avekpon and the other defendants entered the dock and the court registrar started reading out the charge, a foul smell filled the courtroom. Holding their noses, some people walked out of the courtroom and a counsel enquired about the source of the odour. Avekpon owned up, saying “I shit.” He was led outside the courtroom and the arraignment of other defendants continued.]]>