1. Get Organized – Have a notebook for each subject with a class syllabus inside the front cover to keep yourself up on reading assignments. 2. Make A Realistic Study Schedule – Write down your daily study schedule on a calendar, including hours, and stick to it. 3. Prepare For Class Before You Get There – Stay ahead of the class material. Treat class like you would if you were going to court. 4. Reduce Your Class Notes In A Subject Outline Within 24-Hours of Taking Them – Condense your notes and organize them on a subject outline. 5. Take Weekly Practice Exams Under Timed Conditions Before Your Class Exams – As you learn new concepts, pull out law exams that test the same areas and apply the concepts to the exam facts. 6. Make physical fitness, good nutrition, and rest part of your study plan. 7. Don’t Expect Your Professors To Lead You Through Law School – Just as lawyers are self-starters, so must you be. Learn all the law topics listed in your subject class syllabus. In law school, you are expected to know the law in each subject area you take, whether your professors cover it in class or not. ]]>